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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Crying Can Be Therapeutic!

Have a good Christmas cry!

Missing loved ones this time of year can be overwhelming. I find that this year is worse than others. All of my grown children have their own lives here in my own state and out of state. Years ago when the children were all home it was a splendid time of laughter, presents, food and fun. Now it is quiet, lonely, long, cold nights. I am not wanting to celebrate anything. Oh I do celebrate Jesus birth and I pray for better days to come. I have found that the only way to get over this melacholy is to just sit and have a good cry. While it doesnt solve anything at all. It does refresh my brain in a way that I can focus more clearly on the mundane tasks of everyday life. So this year if you are missingloved ones and do not know what to do to stop the empty, sorrowful feelings, well…have a good cry. Go ahead, nobody cares. Just pull out all the photos of years past and have a good bawling session.
Remember the Kleenex and glass of water. :)
No one can make you feel better but you. Hugs and love to all this winter.

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